Tone of Voice is an English term that translates as "tone of voice". In marketing summary, tone of voice is understood as the style of communication between a company and its audience. Why is this necessary? To sell more, of course! And also to speak the same language with the audience, better convey the values of the company and product, stand out from competitors and better understand your own mission. Read about how to create your signature "tone of voice" in our new material - it will be useful not only for bloggers, but also for advertisers!
How ToV works
People often make decisions about purchasing something based on emotions. For example, a client will not go back to a salesperson if he did not like the communication with them. In marketing and PR, an important task is to create wordpress web design agency positive emotions in all areas of contact with the audience. Tone of Voice and/or corporate language style become an important means of creating a positive mood in the audience.
The tone of voice of a brand not only reflects the internal style of the company and takes into account the characteristics of the target audience, but also sets the rules for interaction with clients on social networks, in e-mail newsletters, during a telephone conversation or in person.
It is important to maintain consistency in ToV across all company channels. If the company uses the familiar "you" on social media, but when calling a client, they answer "you", then dissonance will arise, which will lead to mistrust and doubt.
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Why Use Tone of Voice
The goal of any brand is to increase recognition among the target audience, increase sales and income. To do this, you need to make a statement. And the brand voice helps to do this.
What tasks does ToV solve:
Increases recognition. If a company has its own voice, its messages will certainly stand out from the crowd. And if a potential client or partner is not yet familiar with the company, but has already heard about it, then on a subconscious level, he will already feel trust. And maybe even favor, if he liked the ToV.
Establishes an emotional connection with the target audience. People like to communicate with those who have similar views on life, values, and interests. And therefore, preference is usually given to the brand that corresponds to a person’s thoughts. And when deciding to buy, people often choose based on their preferences.
Voices the company's values, reflecting them in the manner of addressing a potential client or partner.
Gives you the opportunity to be unique. Competition in the world is huge, buyers have a large selection of often similar offers. To stand out and hook potential clients, you need to develop not only a USP, but also an individual communication style.
Regulates the level of sales. Each marketing tool aims to increase the company's profit. A well-chosen Tone of Voice also helps promote the company and increase the flow of customers.
It is important that the Tone of Voice stands out from competitors, is recognizable and takes into account the characteristics of the audience. For example, a polite and correct speech of a teacher in a team of mechanics will stand out, but will not be understood. But the use of professional terms, sayings and jargon will make the teacher's speech unusual, but understandable for such an audience.
What types of ToV are there?
There are six ways to communicate with customers that can be used in a brand voice:
Friendly. The most popular and frequently used tone. The brand puts itself on an equal footing with the audience, but adheres to the rules of respect. More like a pleasant acquaintance, distant enough to exchange news or subtle jokes with. With this brand tone, unobtrusive advice is acceptable.
Panibratsky - an old friend who has long since switched to informal terms and understands the client. Ambiguous jokes and slang are allowed here. Usually the target audience of such a brand is young people.
Mentoring – an expert in one or all areas at once. Perfect for medical clinics, law firms and schools. Such a voice can teach, point out other people's mistakes, give smart advice.
Witty - full of humor, metaphors, irony. It can be used by companies of almost any field of activity. Information presented in this style is perceived much easier, and is remembered more firmly.
Serious – an informational style characterized by a dry presentation of facts. Humor is not welcome in this style. The serious tone is best suited for state-owned companies and luxury brands.
Provocative - will definitely make the company stand out from the crowd. This voice is characterized by sarcasm, foul language and "adult" content. But at the same time, this ToV can cause mistrust, and also repels many with its rudeness.
As for the characteristics of the target audience, men prefer witty communication, perhaps even familiarity. But women trust mentors or "friends". But for young people, mentoring or serious appeals are no longer suitable - teenagers have enough studying at school or university.